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CONNECT Player SDK 5 for Browsers and Connected TV Documentation

DASH and HLS support

The CONNECT Player Web HTML5 package is provided for:

DASH content

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • LG TV
  • Samsung TV
  • Hisense TV

HLS content

  • Apple Safari

DASH is supported with Microsoft PlayReady and Widevine DRM, and HLS with Apple FairPlay Streaming when integrated with the Security Services Platform (SSP) or the Conax Contego security management system.

PlatformStreaming formatOS supportedEncryption methodDRM
Samsung TVDASHTizenCENCWidevine
Samsung HbbTV*DASHTizenCENCTVKey

*On Selected Samsung TVs that support HbbTV mode and the TVKey DRM system.
**Special configuration required

It builds on the ShakaPlayer package written in JavaScript and extends it to facilitate the seamless SSP and Conax Contego integration whilst leveraging the in-browser HTML specifications for EME and MSE for descrambling and rendering, thus providing a common solution across the supported browsers and platforms.

Users do not have to download and install any plugins or extensions. A common player control bar provides standard control bar features, as well as thumbnail previews on seek and the ability to easily re-skin to match customer branding.


To support video playback, Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox and Safari have added the following APIs to the HTMLMediaElement:

  • Media Source Extensions (MSE)
    A JavaScript application manages the media streams displayed by the HTML5 <video> element, enabling the player to support adaptive streaming to optimise users' available bandwidth and device capabilities. It also provides support for fragmented MP4, which means fewer different encodings are required, reducing CDN costs.
  • Encrypted Media Extensions (EME)
    These enable the HTML5 <video> element to play DRM-protected content via a JavaScript application that manages licence and key exchange. Licence and key management is carried out by the application, allowing the CONNECT Player to integrate with multiple DRM schemes appropriate to the platform.

SDK file contents

The Browsers and Connected TV SDK 5 has two options for integration, either as a:

  • Fully functional SDK with UI capability included.
  • Smaller SDK without UI capability included. This has the benefit of a much-reduced complexity in the DOM.

Full SDK contents

The Browsers and Connected TV SDK 5 folder typically contains the following files (zipped):

Reduced size SDK contents

The SDK deliverables also include the following files; see Reduced Size SDK Example Code Quick Start

    This contains the files used for integration activities
    This contains the JavaScript file that replaces the integration version when the application is ready to be deployed.

Additional files

The following files are also typically provided:

Open source usage

The following third-party software is used and embedded within the CONNECT Player SDK 5 for Browsers and Connected TV.

Open SourceVersionLicenceWebsite
shaka-player4.3.2Apache License, Version 2.0
videojs-thumbnails0.1.1Apache License, Version 2.0
videojs-watermark2.0.0Apache License, Version 2.0
google-protobuf3.9.1BSD 3-Clause License
JavaScript errors detected

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