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DAS Client for Apple reference application

Integration Guide


Download and unzip the zip files for a release to see the documents, SDK framework and reference application source code details.

    This file contains the source code of the DAS client reference application for Apple iOS/tvOS devices.

    This file contains the release version of the framework for the DAS Client SDK for Apple iOS/tvOS devices.

    This documentation pack contains the following details:

    • Environment setup (under Guides/README section).

    • API wrapper options (under Guide/ApiUsage section).

    • APIs details (under Functions).

Integrating the SDK library with the application

The source code for the reference application inside the contains an XCode project with targets for iOS/tvOS devices. It can be used as a reference for integrating the DAS Client SDK framework with any other application. For more information, see the documents available in the file.

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