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Configuring custom fields for OpCon


Certain entities that can be viewed and edited in OpCon can have custom fields defined for them. You can specify the following for a custom field, which determines the control that OpCon uses when you edit the custom field:

  • The field's data type
  • Lists of allowed values for the field (which can be localised)
    OpCon displays these as a drop-down list.

The allowed values that you configure for a custom field only affect OpCon. They do not affect ingested data.

This can lead to a situation where the value of a custom field (from ingest) is not one of the allowed values that you have configured.

In this case, OpCon displays a drop-down list for the field, but does not pre-select a value. If the OpCon user does not explicitly select a value from the list, the field's value will not be changed.

Supported use cases

See also

Specifying default values – explains how to specify default values for custom and regular fields.

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