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Enabling and disabling channels

The Enabling of Editorial and Technical Channels toggle switch in the Global settings lets you to enable and disable a channel including all its associated Technical channels. This facility may be useful to quickly take channels out of service in an emergency.

To disable a channel and all the associated Technical channels:

  1. Display the required Editorial channel in Edit mode.

  2. Select the Global Settings and click the Enabling of Editorial and Technical Channels toggle switch to OFF.

  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button. The channel will now be removed from the ION interface.

To re-enable a channel:

  1. Display the required Editorial channel in Edit mode.

  2. Select the Global Settings and click the Enabling of Editorial and Technical Channels toggle switch to ON.

  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button. The channel will now be available again in ION.

Technical channels are restored with a validity start date of the current day, and an open-end date; the previous values will be deleted. To re-enter the validity start and end dates, see Editing and deleting channels.
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