Harmonic VOS360 LTCU profiles
This page gives sample LTCU profiles for use when using Harmonic VOS360.
The LTCU workflow with AWS Elemental is a single-stage, non-JITP process.
Feature profile – Smooth Streaming (SS)
"id": "jitp_features_ss",
"type": "LongTermCatchUp",
"name": "Feature Profile for JITP for SS",
"isFeatureProfile": true,
"features": "SS",
"businessRulesProperties": {
"recorderProfileName": "SS"
Feature profile – HLS
"id": "jitp_features_hls",
"type": "LongTermCatchUp",
"name": "Feature Profile for JITP for HLS",
"features": "HLS",
"recorderProfileName": "HLS"
Feature profile – DASH
"id": "jitp_features_dash",
"type": "LongTermCatchUp",
"name": "Feature Profile for JITP for DASH",
"features": "DASH",
"recorderProfileName": "DASH"
Capture profile
"businessRulesProperties": {
"jitp": true,
"dueDateOffset": 2
"workflow": {
"deviceUsedForResourceAllocation": "processingDevice",
"processingDevice": {
"id": "LiveEncoderDevice",
"accessPointType": "http"
"workflowVersion": "LiveCaptureUsingPRIv1",
"workflowInputProperties": {
"recordId": "",
"sourceId": "",
"processingUri": "",
"captureEndDate": "",
"ltcuAssetNamePrefix": "ltcu_",
"recorderType": "VOS360",
"securityInfo": "",
"captureStartDate": "",
"retryDelay": 5,
"numberOfRetries": 2
"workflowOutputProperties": {
"recordId": "",
"deliveryURL": ""
"name": "JITP Profile for Live Capture workflow",
"id": "capture",
"type": "LongTermCatchUp",
"isFeatureProfile": false
Validation profile
"id": "validate",
"type": "LongTermCatchUp",
"name": "JITP Profile for Live Validation workflow",
"isFeatureProfile": false,
"businessRulesProperties": {
"destinationAssetType": "Pivot",
"destinationAssetDeviceLinkType": "source",
"jitp": true
"workflow": {
"deviceUsedForResourceAllocation": "processingDevice",
"processingDevice": {
"id": "LiveEncoderDevice",
"accessPointType": "http"
"destinationDevice": {
"id": "Device ID",
"accessPointType": "http"
"workflowVersion": "LiveValidationUsingPRIv1",
"workflowInputProperties": {
"recordId": "",
"recorderType": "VOS360",
"processingUri": "",
"retryDelay": 15,
"numberOfRetries": 3,
"loopBackTimer": 10,
"jobCompletionTimeout": 100
"workflowOutputProperties": {
"deliveryURL": "",
"recordId": "",
"consumptionUrls": ""
Purge profile
"id": "purge",
"type": "LongTermCatchUp",
"name": "JITP Profile for Live Purge workflow",
"isFeatureProfile": false,
"businessRulesProperties": {
"sourceAssetType": "Pivot",
"sourceAssetDeviceLinkType": "source",
"jitp": true
"workflow": {
"deviceUsedForResourceAllocation": "processingDevice",
"processingDevice": {
"id": " LiveEncoderDevice ",
"accessPointType": "http"
"workflowVersion": "LivePurgeUsingPRIv1",
"workflowInputProperties": {
"recordId": "",
"recorderType": "VOS360",
"processingUri": "",
"retryDelay": 15,
"numberOfRetries": 3
"workflowOutputProperties": {
"recordId": ""