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AWS Elemental LTCU profiles

This page gives sample LTCU profiles for use when using AWS Elemental.

The LTCU workflow with AWS Elemental is a two-stage, JITP process.

Capture profile

   "name":"Profile for Live Capture workflow with AWS Elemental",
      "easyJobName":"LTCU: Harvesting the content from live stream."
         "securityInfo": "",
         "recorderType":"AWS Elemental Media Services",

Validation profile

   "name":"Profile for Live Validation workflow with AWS Elemental",
      "easyJobName":"LTCU: Check content harvesting status."
         "recorderType":"AWS Elemental Media Services",

Packaging profile

   "name":"Profile for Live HLS Clear Package workflow with AWS Elemental",
   "features": "HLS",
   "isFeatureProfile": true,
      "easyJobName":"LTCU: Packaging the harvested content in HLS."
      "recorderProfileName" : "HLS",
         "relativePath": "pivotAsset/"
         "loopOnPackagingCompletion": false,
         "recorderType":"AWS Elemental Media Services",
         "securityInfo" : "",
         "sourceUri": "",
         "processingUri": ""

Purge profile

   "name":"Profile for Live Purge workflow",
         "recorderType":"AWS Elemental Media Services"
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