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Workflow status

This tab displays the status of workflows which include the content item. You can also set a default priority for any workflows which include the content item, Priority order runs from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). See also Running and cancelling workflows.

A content item can be a member of multiple workflows. Separate tabs are provided for VOD, LTCU and Recording workflows; the following icons denote the current status of the workflow:

 The workflow has completed successfully.

 The workflow has failed.

 The workflow has been archived. To re-run the workflow, see Re-running workflows (Redo).

Clicking the arrow displays the stages in the workflow, for example, Encoding, Packaging and Purge. Within this section, the status is indicated by:

 The stage has completed successfully.

 The stage has failed.

 The stage in the workflow has been archived. 

Clicking a workflow stage takes you to the relevant Workflow Management page.

You can search for a specific workflow by either workflow the id (if known) or by visual search; see (24.38_Q3) Search facility.

To refresh the workflow status page, click the Refresh icon.

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