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Access Point data model

NameTypeDescriptionLocalisedAlways available
creationDateDateAccess Point creation date.NoYes
enabledBooleanAccess Point status. Should always be true otherwise signon will not function!NoYes
exportIDStringIdentifier to use when exporting the data to a third party.NoNo
modifiedDateDateLast time the Access Point data was updated.NoNo
nameStringUsually the region name. If so, use this value as a region filter when communicating with metadata services.NoYes
originIDStringSource data system identifier.NoNo
originKeyStringSource data system key.NoNo
publicAddrAPSStringApplication server IP address. Clients can use this field to connect to a local application server.NoNo
publicAddrSTSStringStreaming server IP address. The public IP address of the streaming video server.NoNo
serviceProviderIDStringService Provider ID.NoYes
uIDIntegerSDP internal unique identifier for the access point.NoYes

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