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OTT session data model

This is a JSON object with the following fields:

accountIdLongThe ID of the account associated with this session.
allocatedDateDateThe date on which the session was created.

The change history.

This feature is deprecated, and no longer visible to the HUE list.

contentIdLongThe ID of the content being streamed by the session.
contentTypeStringThe type of content being streamed by the session.
creationDateDateThe date the session was created.
deAllocatedDateDateThe date on which the session was deallocated.
deviceIdLongThe ID of the device using the session.

The date on which the session will expire. Expiry is calculated depending on the SPID.

exportIDIntegerThe ID to export object to third-party systems.
modifiedDateDateThe date last modified and persisted.
originIDIntegerThe UID of the origin system (third-party system).
originIdAndKeyRead-only stringA unique reference for the object derived by concatenating the originID and originKey, together, separated by a pipe character (|)
originKeyStringThe key of the model object in the origin system (third-party system).
serviceProviderIDLongThe Service Provider UID.
sessionTypeStringThe type of session.
statusStringThe status of the session.
uIDLongThe unique identifier of the session.


    "UID" : 153,
    "accountUID" : 27,
    "contentUID" : 126,
    "contentType" : "PRG",
    "deviceId" : 36,
    "allocatedDate" : "12-12-2013",
    "status" : "LIVE",
    "expiryDate" : "12-12-2015"
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