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User data model





LocalisedAlways available
accountAccountSpecificationIdentifies the account associated with the user.RW, mandatoryNoYes

The date of birth of the user, in the format yyyy‑mm‑dd.

RW, optionalNoNo

Is this the default user for the associated account?

Each account must have one default user.

WriteOnCreate, optionalNoNo
hashSaltString (max 100 chars)

Salt value used to encrypt the password in the DB.

If this field is blank, the password is stored in clear text.

WriteOnCreate, optionalNoNo
loginIdString (max 100 chars)

Unique ID that the client uses to identify the user at signon.

Mandatory when creating OpenTV Player clients.

If this field has a value, it must be unique across all users

WriteOnCreate, mandatoryNoYes
nameString (max 20 chars)Friendly name. Used in addition to loginID to identify the user.RW, mandatoryNoYes
originIdStringIdentifier of the system which owns this entity.WriteOnCreate, optionalNoNo
originKeyString (max 20 chars)External user identifier.WriteOnCreate, optionalNoNo
passwordString (max 100 chars)

Password used to sign on.

Mandatory when creating OpenTV Player clients.

RW, optionalNoNo
pinString (max 10 chars)PIN to access restricted content.RW, mandatoryNoYes

Keyword indicating if this user is permitted to make purchases.
One of:


Super-users can modify this flag for other users in the account.

RW, optionalNoNo
ratingSpecificationRatingSpecificationIdentifies a rating to assign to the user.RW, optionalNoNo

The type of the user. One of:

  • SUP (super-user)
  • NOR (normal)

At least one user in the account must be SUP.


Internal numeric identifier.

The SDP internal UID for this entity.

RO, assigned internallyNoYes
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