Entitlement / Rights Report
The Entitlements / Rights Report is a table that lists the entitlements/rights that were created during the specified date range. It includes:
- The total number of entitlements
- For each entry, it shows:
- The entitlement creation date
- The ID of the account to which the entitlement applies
- The entitlement ID
- Product name
- Product type (subscription, transactional, free, etc.)
- Shared product content ID
- Validity type
- Expiry date
- Status (subscribed or unsubscribed)
At the top of the page, you can:
Change the date range for the current data.
- Search within the data
In the table itself, you can:
- Sort the table by clicking on the sort icon in the column header.
- Hover over the data to see additional information.
- Click on the data, then click
In this window, you can:- See more detailed data, including (for some categories) a list of the accounts that comprise the total shown in the tile.
- Change the sort order.
- Show and hide fields.
- Change the number of rows displayed.
- Download the data.
to open the View Data window for the selected data category.