React Native SDK Release Notes
The current version of the CONNECT Player React Native SDK is 1.5.1. To install this release, please contact your regional NAGRA representative.
Release | Purpose | New features | Fixes | Known issues |
1.5.1Release date: 19 Jul 2022 | This is a feature and maintenance release. | SSM async improvements on Web for Widevine content Content token improvements on Web | TVKEY subtitle was seen in small size TVKEY Playback does not start on pausing live content and selecting STARTOVER. Player not throwing the player errors | Web SDK with Safari, the playing event is not getting triggered after the waiting event. Crash after error when unable to play UEX3 content on Prod TV configured with TVKCloud profile On WebOS 6, encrypted stream startup takes 15 secs. Encrypted content playback is not stable on different HbbTV models. |
1.5.0Release date: 29 Jun 2022 | This is an incremental feature and maintenance release. | Statistics | onLoadStart event had extra target attribute. Use of mute prop only muted and did not restore volume for iOS and Android. Example codes were not built-in CI. Avoid certificate fetching on every zap SSM error code series from 6001 to 6003 License request failed for SSM content. | Web SDK with Safari, the playing event is not getting triggered after the waiting event. Crash after error when unable to play UEX3 content on Prod TV configured with TVKCloud profile On WebOS 6, encrypted stream startup takes 15 secs. Encrypted content playback is not stable on different HbbTV models. |
1.4.1Release date: 26 Apr 2022 | This is an incremental maintenance release | There are no new features in this release. | Mute operation for handheld devices. HbbTV shutdown after 15mins without signal. Updated Browser/ConnectedTV SDK version. | Web SDK with Safari, the playing event is not getting triggered after the waiting event. Crash after error and unable to play UEX3 content on Production TV configured with TVKCloud profile. On WebOS 6, encrypted stream startup takes 15 secs. Encrypted content playback is not stable on different HbbTV models. |
1.4.0Release date: 07 Apr 2022 | This was an incremental feature and maintenance release. | Browser SSM support Native player (Safari) error reporting Experimental feature: Secure Session Management | HbbTV volume is heard even when set to 0% after zapping. HbbTV cannot seek back to zero when less than 10 seconds of VOD is played. | Web SDK with Safari, the playing event is not getting triggered after the waiting event. On WebOS 6, encrypted stream startup takes 15 secs. Encrypted content playback is not stable on different HbbTV models. On the Web platform, onAudioTrackSelected and onTextTrackSelected events do not return an object. |
1.3.1Release date: 25 Mar 2022 | This was an incremental feature and maintenance release. | Add source.tokenType property. | There were no fixes in this release. | Crash after error when unable to play UEX3 content on Prod TV configured with TVKCloud profile. On WebOS 6, encrypted stream startup takes 15 secs. Encrypted content playback was not stable on different HbbTV models. On the Web platform, onAudioTrackSelected and onTextTrackSelected events do not return an object. |
1.3.0Release date: 24 Mar 2022 | This was an incremental feature release. | Web platform: Shaka Player for TVKey stop API to allow the app to stop content Experimental features: SSM for Widevine, FairPlay and Playready. Bitrate and Resolution capping | Unable to see the playback from | Crash after error when unable to play UEX3 content on Prod TV configured with TVKCloud profile. On WebOS 6, encrypted stream startup takes 15 secs. Licence error reported after multiple zaps. Encrypted content playback was not stable on different HbbTV models. On the Web platform, onAudioTrackSelected and onTextTrackSelected events do not return an object. |
1.2.0Release date: 14 Jan 2022 | This was an incremental feature and maintenance release. | Browser and Connected TV support with Widevine and PlayReady. Experimental features: TVKey Resolution and bitrate capping | There were no fixes in this release. | Capping feature APIs are subject to change. TVKey API is included to support integration, but the underlying implementation is changing to fix issues that make existing TVKey functionality unreliable. The API should remain fixed. |
1.1.0Release date: 05 Nov 2021 | This was the first production release. | OTT clear stream playback on iOS/tvOS/hbbTV OTT features (iOS/tvOS/Android/hbbTV):
Diagnostic features:
| There were no fixes in this release. | Ref app .ipa installs but does not run on iOS 12 devices (iPhone 6+, iOS 12.5.4) - at present we have only been testing on iOS 14 and Android 10. Select stream WebVTT-SRT-Clear-Vod-Apple without bom does not playback on Android HbbTV zapping away from a scrambled stream needs additional play() API call. |