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React Native SDK Integration Guide


Download the CONNECT Player React Native SDK; see Downloading the SDK.



Homebrew or Chocolatey package managers must be available on your system.

Development environment

NAGRA recommends using Mac for development purposes; instructions for setting up on Windows are also provided.

  • For Android and Apple platforms, see the React Native document Setting up the development environment and follow React Native CLI Quickstart (not Expo CLI Quickstart).
  • For Web/HbbTV, see the React Native for Web document Installation and follow Create React App (not Expo).

The plugin has been developed using the following dependency versions. NAGRA recommends using the following versions or higher:

  • Node 14.17.1
  • Yarn 1.22.10
  • CocoaPods 1.10.1

The plugin is built with react-native-tvos@0.63.4-0, and it is compatible with react-native@0.63.4. See  Installing a Mac development environment for more information.


Apple iOS/tvOS 12.0 and above releases are supported; iOS/tvOS simulators are not supported.
Android 5.0 and above is supported; Android emulators are not supported.

Using the plugin

NAGRA recommends viewing the pages relevant to the features you wish to implement to start using SDK features. A good starting point is the  Playback of clear content feature page, which will give you a player capable of unencrypted playback.

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