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Browsers SDK Integration Guide

This guide describes how to instantiate and use the CONNECT Player SDK for Browsers and add basic and advanced features.

For upgrading the CONNECT player, please see the Browsers SDK Migration Guide.
To test the features and view the example code, please see the Browsers SDK 1 Example Code Quick Start guide.


Download the CONNECT Player SDK for Browsers pack, and extract the following files to a suitable location on a web server. You can use localhost for development and testing purposes.

You will need valid CONNECT Player licence (opy_licence file) to use the player, see Player licence for details.

The hosted video must be configured to allow cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) if not hosted on the same origin such as a different domain or subdomain.
The CONNECT Player SDK uses cryptographic functions provided by the browser. Some browsers will inhibit this functionality if not running over HTTPS. You are recommended to only deploy the SDK over HTTPS.

Integration process

NAGRA recommends you perform integration of CONNECT Player SDK in the following stages:

    JavaScript errors detected

    Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

    If this problem persists, please contact our support.