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Verified Media Path support

Browser-based Widevine license requests use Verified Media Path (VMP). Most of the browsers that integrate with the Widevine CDM already support this feature; however, VMP triggers an extra network request for the server certificate whenever a license request is needed. To avoid this additional network request, EME defines an API to set the certificate before license request. The CONNECT Player SDK for Browsers provides simple mechanisms by which the server certificate may be provided, thereby reducing the need for additional network requests.

Pre-configuring the player with Widevine server certificate

The SDK passes the server certificate to the browser's Widevine CDM. If valid, the extra network request is avoided; otherwise, the player triggers the error:
InvalidStateError MediaError {code: 5, message: "Error updating server certificate -- InvalidStateError"}

The example below shows how thewidevineServerCertificateconfiguration option should be used.

let playerInstance = otvplayer(
    // options
        plugins: {
            otvtoolkit: {
                drm:  {
                    config: {
                        tenantId: "customer tenant id",
                        licenceServer: "customer license server url",
                        widevineServerCertificate: "base64 encoded customer license server widevine certificate"
    // loaded callback
    function loadedCallback() {

Automatic certificate acquisition for NAGRA SSP

If the player is not pre-configured with a certificate and the DRM system in use is NAGRA SSP, the player automatically tries to read the certificate from the SSP server. If it is successful, no further certificate requests will be necessary for the lifetime of the player.

Browser certificate acquisition

If the player is not pre-configured with a certificate, and the player cannot acquire the certificate (for example, when using some system other than NAGRA SSP), the browser automatically acquires the certificate before every licence request.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.