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Adding CONNECT Player to your application

Update the build.gradle

The illustrations below show how to modify the build.gradle to work with the CONNECT Player SDK for Android. For the list of dependencies, latest version and build configuration, see CONNECT Player SDK 5 for Android Documentation.

  1. In Project view, select app src and open the build.gradle file. In the android block, change the minSdkVersion to 21.

          android {
            compileSdkVersion 30
            defaultConfig {
              applicationId "com.example.myapplication"
              minSdkVersion 21
              targetSdkVersion 30
  2. Add the following lines to the android block (if not already present):

        compileOptions {
            sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
            targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  3. Make sure there is a dependency set for the latest gradle plugin in the buildScript block. For example:

    buildscript {
      repositories {
      dependencies {
        classpath ''
  4. In the dependencies block:
    • Change the implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) filetype to ['*.aar'] .
    • Add the dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0 .
    • Add the dependency .
        dependencies {
            implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.aar'])
            implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0'
            implementation ("") {
                  exclude group: '', module: 'jsr305'
                  exclude group: 'org.checkerframework', module: 'checker-compat-qual'
                  exclude group: '', module: 'error_prone_annotations'
                  exclude group: '', module: 'j2objc-annotations'
                  exclude group: 'org.codehaus.mojo', module: 'animal-sniffer-annotations'
  5. On completion, sync the build.gradle.

Edit the

Add the minimum amount of code to enable playback of a single clear stream (identified by a hard-coded string) as soon as the app starts.

  1. Select appsrcmainjavafilename and open the file. Add the following imports:

        import nagra.otv.sdk.OTVSDK;
        import nagra.otv.sdk.OTVVideoView;
  2. Below the line public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { add:

        static final String  TAG = "MainActivity";
        private OTVVideoView mOTVVideoView = null;
        private int          mPausePos = 0;
        private String       mVideoURI = "";
  3. Replace the contents of the onCreate method with the following to set a reference to the video view and load the SDK.

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
          mOTVVideoView = findViewById(;

    OTVSDK.load(Context context); must be called before accessing any SDK 5 methods as it starts up the libraries. The method needs to be called only once at application start-up or before the first use of the SDK.

  4. Add the following to set the Android onStart method, set the stream and start it.

    public void onStart()
  5. Add the following to set the Android onPause method to save the current position and pause the playback.

        public void onPause()
          if(mOTVVideoView != null)
            mPausePos = mOTVVideoView.getCurrentPosition();
  6. Add the following to set the Android onResume method, to seek to the paused position and start playback.

        public void onResume()
          if(mOTVVideoView != null && mPausePos > 0)
            mPausePos = 0;

Add a video view to the layout

  1. Select app > src > main > res > layout and open the activity_main.xml file.
  2. In the Text view window, create a nagra.otv.sdk.OTVVideoView by replacing the contents with:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    < xmlns:android=""
              android:descendantFocusability="afterDescendants" />

The OTVVideoView element works as the foremost UI element when part of a layout. Placing any other elements on top of the video view’s area will produce unpredictable effects, and may interfere with the built-in security measures.

Next step: You should now be able to run the app in clear playback mode.

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