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DASH-IF thumbnails example code

To test this feature and view the example code, please see the  Android SDK 5 Example Code Quick Start guide.

The operation is instigated by the application providing the OTVVideoView instance with a thumbnail listener before providing it with the stream’s URL. So that playback start time is not compromised, thumbnails are prepared asynchronously; this also means that the VOD thumbnails are not available at the very beginning of playback. The SDK notifies the application of the thumbnail preparation state through the provided listener and, once prepared, will provide the application with a thumbnail view to display.

Preparation time (the time it takes from the start of playback until thumbnails are available for preview) depends on the number of thumbnails and their size (bandwidth). This could take a fraction of a second for short content with few thumbnails to several seconds for long-duration content with a high density of thumbnails.

Preparing a listener in the application

    private IOTVThumbnailListener mThumbnailListener = new IOTVThumbnailListener() {
      public void noThumbnails() {
        // Info: No thumbnails for the given stream

      public void preparing() {
        // Info: Got a DASH manifest with thumbnails. Preparing thumbnails

      public void prepared(OTVThumbnailView xView) {
        // Thumbnails are prepared and the thumbnail view is provided as a parameter
        // Note: this callback is NOT called on the UI thread.

      public void error(int reason) {
        // Failed to fetch thumbnails for some reason
        // The reason parameter represents one of the OTVThumbnailError integer constants

Just before setting the video path of the stream to play, provide the OTVVideoView instance with the thumbnail listener

    // ...

The OTVThumbnailView instance provided in the prepared() callback is used to display all thumbnails. The application needs to update the view with the correct image by specifying the desired time. The SDK will match the position (in milliseconds) with the correct thumbnail image.


The example code implements a simple seek bar in a ThumbnailMediaController class which demonstrates the usage of the thumbnail view provided in the prepared() callback.

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