Android SDK 5 Integration Guide
To test the features and view the example code, please see the Android SDK5 Example Code Quick Start guide.
The following procedures describe how to create a new CONNECT Player application in Android.
Prerequisites and dependencies
For the development tools, current dependencies and minimum build configuration required for integrating your app with the CONNECT Player SDK, see Prerequisites and dependencies.
Product release files
NAGRA supplies the following files as part of the Multi-DRM release:
- opy-sdk-android-5.25.x-sdk-integration.aar
This file is used for integration activities. - opy-sdk-android-5.25.x-sdk-production.aar
This file replaces the integration version when the complete application is ready to be deployed.
If your project requires support for Playback of PRM encrypted content (Software PRM), use the PRM versions of the above files:
- opy-sdk-android-5.25.x-sdk-prm-integration.aar
- opy-sdk-android-5.25.x-sdk-prm-production.aar
You will also need the PRM Operator Vault file opvault.json.
Integration process
We recommend you perform integration of CONNECT Player SDK 5 in the following stages:
- In conjunction with the Android SDK 5 Example Code Quick Start guide, use the code examples to explore and test the features of the CONNECT Player.
- Using this guide, create a basic player; for details, see:
- Develop your code to add encrypted playback and other features to the player.
- When development is complete, replace the integration file with the production version. Carry out final testing and submit to the Google Play Store.