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Unified API playback of clear content

To test this feature and view the example code, please see the Unified API Example Code Quick Start guide.

Import classes

To play clear content using the UPI, the application first needs to import the following.

import nagra.otv.upi.*

Preparing the listener

An IOTVUPIEventListener instance should be created before creating an IOTVUPIPlayer object to receive the events from OTVUPIPlayer.

Click here to view the example code.
public class UPIEventListener implements IOTVUPIEventListener {
    private static String TAG = "UPIEventListener";
    public void onLoadStart(String src, String type) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "OnLoadStart");

    public void onLoad(long duration, int flags) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG,"onLoad "+duration);

    public void onTracksChanged(List<OTVTrackInfo> trackInfoList) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG,"onTracksChanged "+trackInfoList.toString());

    public void onProgress(long currentDuration, long playableDuration, long seekableDuration) {


    public void onSeek(long currentPosition, long seekPosition) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG,"onSeek "+currentPosition);

    public void onEnd() {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "OnEnd");

    public void onWaiting() {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "OnWaiting");

    public void onPlaying() {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "OnPlaying");

    public void onPaused() {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "OnPaused");

    public void onPlay() {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "OnPlay");

    public void onVideoTrackSelected(int index) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG,"onVideoTrackSelected "+index);

    public void onAudioTrackSelected(int index) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG,"onAudioTrackSelected "+index);

    public void onTextTrackSelected(int index) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "onTextTrackSelected "+index);

    public void onError(Pair<Integer,Integer> errCodes, String errMsg) {
        OTVLog.e(TAG,"onError "+ errCodes.first +" extra "+ errCodes.second +" Msg "+ errMsg);

    public void onBitratesAvailable(int[] xBitrates) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "AvailableBitrates: "+ Arrays.toString(xBitrates));

    public void onSelectedBitrateChanged(int xBitrate) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "onSelectedBitrateChanged - bitrate: " + xBitrate);

    public void onDownloadResolutionChanged(Pair<Integer, Integer> xResolution) {
        OTVLog.d(TAG, "onDownloadResolutionChanged - resolution: " + xResolution);

    public void onThumbnailAvailable() {
        OTVLog.i(TAG, "onThumbnailAvailable");

    public void onThumbnailNotAvailable() {
        OTVLog.i(TAG, "onThumbnailNotAvailable");

    public void onOfflineStreamNotAvailable() {
        OTVLog.i(TAG, "onOfflineStreamNotAvailable");

Creating player

The UPI player should be created inside the method onCreate() of Activity. To create the UPI Player, the application has to invoke the static method createPlayer(Context context, OTVUPISource source, IOTVUPIEventListener eventListener) from the OTVUPIPlayerFactory.

OTVUPISource source = new OTVUPISource(STREAM_URI, "", "", "", null, null);
IOTVUPIEventListener eventListener = new UPIEventListener(); 
mIOTVUPIPlayer = OTVUPIPlayerFactory.createPlayer(this, source, eventListener);

Setting the view

The application must set the video view to the IOTVUPIPlayer instance. To achieve this, a method setView() is invoked by passing the video view in the arguments.

Click here to view the example code.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
  private final String STREAM_URI = "";
  private FrameLayout mFrame = null;
  private IOTVUPIPlayer mIOTVUPIPlayer;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mFrame = findViewById(;

    OTVUPISource source = new OTVUPISource(STREAM_URI, "", "", "", null, null);
    IOTVUPIEventListener eventListener = new UPIEventListener(); 
    mIOTVUPIPlayer = OTVUPIPlayerFactory.createPlayer(this, source, eventListener);
    if (mIOTVUPIPlayer != null) {

   * This code is only necessary if you want to switch between different layouts or change config
   * values such as video display area between rotations. As long as androidManifest contains
   * android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" then your view/player should not be destroyed on rotation.
   * see for more information
  public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {

  public void onPause() {
    if (mIOTVUPIPlayer != null) {

  public void onResume() {
    if (mIOTVUPIPlayer != null) {

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