Android SDK 5 Example Code Quick Start
This guide enables you to demonstrate CONNECT Player features and view the example code.
Make sure you have the latest Android Studio installed, including:
Android SDK - install the latest version from Android Studio when prompted.
Gradle - use the newest version as recommended by Android Studio.
JDK - use the version provided with Android Studio.
Download the Android SDK pack, which supplies all the files needed to launch the player and start streaming content.
This package contains the application projects which demonstrate how to use the player features. -
This package demonstrates how to work with PRM-encrypted streams. -
This package demonstrates how to implement the same features in the Kotlin language. - opy-sdk-android-5.8.x-sdk-integration.aar
The SDK binary file used for integration purposes. - opy-sdk-android-5.8.x-sdk-prm-integration.aar
The PRM version of the SDK binary file used for integration purposes. You will also need the PRM Operator Vault file opvault.json. - A valid CONNECT Player licence (opy_licence file).
A device running Android 5.x (Lollipop) onwards with debugging, enabled; the player cannot run on an Android Studio simulator.
Save the SDK pack to your desktop and unzip it. The package contains a zipped set of example code, extract the contents of the file to your desktop.
Copy the opy_licence to the \common\res\raw folder and the integration.aar file to \common\libs.
- Start Android Studio, select Open an existing Android Studio project and then select the required project in the top-level directory of the extracted package. The following projects are available:
- basic-playback This demonstrates playback of a clear stream with no additional functionality.
- chromecast Clear playback with support for Chromecast
- dynamic-ads-ima Clear playback with Adverts with Google IMA.
- encrypted-playback Playback of Widevine protected playback.
- encrypted-playback-playready Playback of Playback of PlayReady encrypted content.
- customised-encrypted-playback Non-default implementation of Widevine protected playback.
- event-timeline Clear playback with feedback and analysis of performance tracking or playback issues.
- insight Sends playback metrics and statistics to an Insight Analytics server.
- multi-instance Provides multiple instances of the player.
- offline Offline playback of DASH streams.
- offline-service Downloading as a service for DASH streams.
- resolution-capping Clear playback with Resolution capping.
- thumbnails Clear playback with thumbnail previews.
- track-selection Clear playback with Multi-audio.
- Connect an Android device to your development machine via USB, and build and run the application.
For full details on integrating the SDK with your application, see the Android SDK 5 Integration Guide. See also the API reference guide provided in the Android SDK pack.