Playback a downloaded asset
Playback starts in the same way as for online playback but using the offlineURL
instead. The client application picks an asset from the list of available assets. It retrieves the local (offline) URL associated with the download, loading and playing that URL just like a standard CDN-hosted stream.
func getPlaybackAsset(title: String) -> OTVAVURLAsset? {
for persistenceAsset in OTVPersistenceManager.shared.getDownloads() {
if persistenceAsset.state == .downloaded && title == persistenceAsset.title {
if let streamURL = persistenceAsset.offlineURL {
return OTVAVURLAsset(url: persistenceAsset.offlineURL)
// Cannot find the persisted asset
return nil
Playback while downloading
Only OTVPersistenceAsset
assets in the .downloaded
state have a valid offlineURL
property for playback. However, providing the device is online, you can play assets in the process of downloading using the CDN-hosted URL.
Next step: You can purge the download.