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Apple (FPS) SDK 5 Example Code Quick Start

This guide enables you to demonstrate CONNECT Player features and view the example code.

Example code is provided for iOS only.


Make sure you have the latest version of Xcode installed.

Download the iOS SDK, which supplies all the files needed to launch the player and start streaming content.

    This file contains application projects that demonstrate how to use simple and advanced features, such as playing clear and encrypted streams.

    This contains the SDK framework files.

You also need a device running iOS 12 or above.


  1. Save the SDK pack to your development machine and unzip it. The extracted package contains a zipped set of example code; extract the contents of the file to a suitable location.

  2. Copy the SDK framework folder into the example-code folder.

  3. Start Xcode, and then select the required project from the extracted package; see the example projects below.

  4. Connect an Apple device to your machine, and build and run the application.

Example projects


  • basic-playback - Demonstrates playback of a clear HLS stream with no additional functionality.
  • container-view - Manages the view hierarchy for standard playback.
  • resolution-capping - Playback of clear HLS streams with resolution capping.
  • objective-c support - Code development using Objective-C.
  • thumbnail-seeking-webvtt - Playback of clear HLS streams with webvtt thumbnail previews. 
  • thumbnail-seeking-iframe - Playback of clear HLS streams with iFrame thumbnail previews.
  • track-selection - Playback of clear HLS streams with multiple audio tracks and subtitles.

Offline playback

  • offline-encrypted - Downloads an encrypted HLS stream while requesting a licence and then plays offline content.
  • offline-license-predeliveredPrefetches the licence before downloading an encrypted HLS stream and playing offline content.
  • offline-license-renewal - Downloads an encrypted HLS stream, obtains the licence, plays the offline content and Renews the licence when a licence expiry error is received.
  • offline-playback - Offline playback of clear and encrypted HLS streams.
  • minimumbitrate-for-offline - Select minimum bitrate to download for offline playback.
  • minimumresolution-for-offlineSelect minimum resolution to download for offline playback. (Only available for iOS 14 and above).
  • offline-prepare-download Selecting the download stream before downloading starts.
  • drm-token-passing - Parse the SSP DRM stream token to get the licence duration and set it to offline content. 

Encrypted playback

Content security


  • dynamic-ads-ima - Playback of clear HLS streams with Google IMA adverts. Pod install is required to generate the XCode workspace; see the file for additional steps.
  • serverside-ad-insertion - Demonstrates use of adverts within streams with Server-Side Ad Insertion.
  • yospace-controlbar - Demonstrates the integration of the Yospace user interface handling of streams with Server-Side Ad Insertion. 

Diagnostics and statistics

  • event-timeline - Playback of clear HLS streams with feedback and analysis of performance tracking or playback issues.
  • network-statistics - Demonstrates use of statistics API to get network statistics information. 

Advanced features

For full details on integrating the SDK with your application, see the Apple (FPS) SDK 5 Integration Guide. See also the API reference guide provided in the iOS SDK pack.

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