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Get license information from MediaLive Multidrm server

Please refer to MediaLive platform API.


This API mdrmService.isContentAuthorised is called by sending a HTTP GET request to: http://<server>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/mdrmService/isContentAuthorised.
The endpoint (server, port) is configurable in MDRM-Manager.

HTTP headers

This SDP service requires HTTP basic authentication.

NameTypeDescriptionAlways Present
x-correlation-idstringA unique identifier to correlate logs corresponding to a request through the entire Multiscreen system.Yes
AcceptstringStandard HTTP header. Will include application/json if supplied.No

Content ID; The unique identifier assigned to the content by the CMS

arg1stringPrivate Data; Data passed from the client in the JSON format. This argument contains the user device zone location.No
tokenstringA token acquired during client sign-on. The Portal decrypts the authToken and retrieves the account and/or device information required for license authorization.Yes

URI Parameters

Example request URI

XML{"locality": "XYZ", "isDownload": true}


The body of this request is empty.


HTTP 200 with JSON payload.



DescriptionAlways Present
isAuthorizedString, always "AUTHORIZED" or "NOT_AUTHORIZED"The authorization status of the request.Yes
accountNumberstringUnique identifier for the client account.No (Yes for AUTHORIZED responses)
usageRulesUsageRulesType (see below)

The criteria for creating the license. Present only for Authorized responses.

additionalInfoJSON map of stringsOptional parameter to convey additional information if required. The contents are a JSON map, i.e. key-value pairs. SPD currently uses this field to present one parameter, "casProductId"No
keyDeliveryWindowKeyDeliveryWindow (see below)If 'Live PPV License' is enabled, when no live subscription exists for the requested DRM ID, PPV event timings will be included. For other scenarios, keyDeliveryWindow will be NULL.Yes


NameTypeDescriptionAlways Present
ViewingNumberintegerThe viewing numberNo
expiryDatelongThe time at which the license should expire. Milliseconds since EpochNo
startDatelongThe start time of the license. Milliseconds since EpochNo
consumptionWindowstringThe content consumption window.No
LicenseExpiryDurationintegerThe expiry duration of the license.No
isStorageAllowedbooleanA flag stating whether persistence of the entitlement is allowed on the device.No
fixedRuleset.digitalOutputBitratefloat: a value in increments of 0.1The capped bitrate, when digital output is "BestEffortWithBitrateCapping", where the value is defined in Mbits/s in increments of 0.1.Only when digitalOutput is "BestEffortWithBitrateCapping"
This property is not currently part of the SDP response.
fixedRuleset.analogOutputBitratefloat: a value in increments of 0.1The capped bitrate, when analogOutput is "BestEffortWithBitrateCapping", where the value is defined in Mbits/s in increments of 0.1.Only when analogOutput is "BestEffortWithBitrateCapping"
This property is not currently part of the SDP response.
isViewingWindowFloating;booleanBoolean value to enable/disable floating viewing window (usually possible when the licence is stored in the device)No

Key delivery window

NameTypeDescriptionAlways Present
beginDatelongPPV event's start time - guard padding timeYes
endDatelongPPV event's end time + guard padding timeYes

Example authorized response

    "resultCode": "0",
    "result": {
        "isAuthorized" : "AUTHORIZED",
        "accountNumber" : "12345",
        "keydeliverywindow": {
            "beginDate" : "1234236612725",
            "endDate" : "1234556667775",
        "usageRules": {
            "viewingNumber" : 12345,
            "expiryDate" : "1234556667775",
            "startDate" : "1234556667775",
            "consumptionWindow" : 1000,
            "licenseExpiryDuration" : 200,
            "isStorageAllowed" : true
        "casProductId" : "IQ3-ASSET-VOD"

Example NOT authorized response

    "resultCode": "0",
    "result": {
        "isAuthorized" : "NOT_AUTHORIZED"

Error response

HTTP error response with JSON payload

NameTypeDescriptionAlways Present
resultCodestringSDP Error code.Yes
resultstringA text message explaining the errorYes
localeMessagestringA localized text message explaining the errorNo

Example response

    "resultCode": "85102",
    "result": "Service method mdrmService.isDeviceAuthorised throw exception \"tv.quative.service.ServiceException: ErrorCode: [code=85102, severity=ERROR] Unable to decrypt the token, token is invalid\"",
    "localeMessage": "none"
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