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Start at the lowest bitrate

When playing OTT content in a poor network, the SDK provides an option to start the DASH playback from the lowest variant bitrate. Playback start-time is improved by not allowing the player to automatically try multiple bitrates to find the best adaptive bitrate to start the playback. This feature enables the player to begin the initial playback with the lowest resolution to show the video immediately and then switch to the higher bitrate once the network bandwidth is gained.

The startAtLowestBitrate flag is provided in the source object for the App to mark as either true or false to enable or disable the feature at each stream level when the source object is set to the player to start playback.

When a user starts the playback by setting the startAtLowestBitrate flag as true in the source object at the same time as calling setMaxResolution() or setMaxBandwidth(), the maximum cap will not be used; the startAtLowestBitrate flag passed in the source object takes higher precedence. The cap settings configured through setMaxResolution() and setMaxBandwidth() will be applied once playback has started,

Example code

window.changeStreamClicked = function () {
    var source = {
        src: "",
        type: "application/dash+xml",
        startAtLowestBitrate: true
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