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User accounts

Creating user accounts

Accounts can be created for users as either Internal or External.

  • Internal users access the systems via their OpCon log-on.
  • External users access the system via their corporate email address. 

To create a new user:

  1. On the System Users list page, click CREATE USER .

  2. Enter and select the relevant details below. You must assign at least one role; to add roles, see Assigning roles to users.

  3. Click the CREATE USER button to save the details.

Email addressEnter the user's email address.
Mobile NumberEnter the user's mobile number.
Account  TypeSelect whether the account is for an internal or external user.
Role ManagementFor external users, select whether the account should use OpCon roles or the identity provider's (IDP) roles
Personal InformationAdd personal details as necessary
Multi Factor AuthenticationEnable or disable multi-factor authentication for internal users.
Create Another?Select this checkbox to create multiple users.
Maintain Roles?Select this checkbox to copy the current role to those users.

On the User List page, accounts that are pending completion are shown with the  badge appended to the user's initials.

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