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Configuring dynamic content groups

Dynamic groups enable you to create groups based on search criteria rather than individual items directly. Items meeting the search criteria are returned to the client at runtime, and the items returned can change over time. The number of items returned can be set in the  Creating, editing and deleting rails builder when the group is added to a Rail in Rails Builder.

The filter criteria can be relatively simple, such as:

  • Content which has a genre of comedy
  • Content which has Sylvester Stallone as a leading actor
  • Content where the provider is not Disney

Or can be more complex, such as:

  • Content which has a genre of comedy or family.
  • Content which has Sylvester Stallone as a leading actor, but not Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Content where the provider is not Disney Time Warner.
  • Content that has a custom tag for memorial day, but not a genre of comedy.

Target page size, target result limit and s ort order are all configurable, with defaults used if details are not specified or are invalid.

You can view the dynamic groups on the main Content Catalogue page left panel under the Dynamic Groups tab. You can also search for the groups in the right panel and view their dynamic content viewed by clicking them.

Creating dynamic groups

Use this to create a dynamic group. Items returned by the group query are displayed in the Live Preview box as you enter the query and constraints. 

  1. In the left-panel of the Content Management page, select the Dynamic Groups tab and click CREATE DYNAMIC GROUP .
  2. Enter a Name for the group and, if required, a Description.
  3. Select specific types of content in the Constrained Groups and create or select a Lucene query in the Query field. For example, to add all items from 2021, you would enter year:2021.
    • If you create a query without selecting any groups, the results will contain all content items which match that query.
    • If you create a query and select constraining groups, the results will contain only content items in those groups which match that query.
    Results will be displayed in the Live Preview window.
  4. On completion, click the CREATE GROUP button.

Editing dynamic groups

Use this to edit a dynamic group:

  1. In the left-panel, select Edit Group... from the  menu for the required group.
    Alternatively, select the group and in the right-panel, click EDIT GROUP .

  2. Edit the relevant details and click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Deleting dynamic groups

Use this to delete a dynamic group:

  1. In the left-panel, select  Delete Group... from the  menu for the group you want to delete
  2. A confirmation message is displayed; click the DELETE GROUP button.
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