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Configuring nodes

Locking and unlocking nodes

Locking the nodes prevents any changes to be made to nodes and the node structure.

  • To lock the nodes, on the Content Management list page left-panel, click the menu (next to the Sort by field) and select  Lock Nodes from the dropdown menu.
  • To unlock the nodes, click the  menu and select  Unlock Nodes from the dropdown menu.

Creating nodes

Use this to create a node at the root level.

  1. On the Content Management list page left-panel, select the Nodes tab and click  CREATE NODE .
  2. Select the required locale from the Settings  menu.
  3. Enter the required details for the node and click the CREATE NODE button.
NameEnter a name for the node.
TitleEnter a title for the node.
Valid From / Valid ToSelect the period for the node to be available.

To add content to the node, see Adding and removing content items.

Creating child nodes

Use this to create child nodes.

  1. In the left-panel, select  Add child node from the  menu for the required node. 

  2. Enter the required details for the node and click the CREATE NODE button.

Editing nodes

Use this to edit the node details.

  1. In the left-panel, select  Edit node from the  menu for the required node.
    Alternatively, select the node and in the right-panel, click EDIT NODE .

  2. Edit the relevant details and click the SAVE CHANGES button.

To edit the content on a node, see Editing Editorial content.

Editing content items inline

Use this to edit the details of a content item on a node inline:

  1. In the left-panel, select the node containing the content item you want to edit.

  2. Locate the required content item in the right-panel, and select Quick edit from the  menu.

  3. Edit the necessary details and click the  Confirm selection icon to save.​

Deleting VOD nodes

In the left-panel, select  Delete node from the  menu for the node you want to delete.

To delete content from a node, see Adding and removing content items.

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