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Displaying nodes and content

On the Nodes tab, clicking All Content Items in the left panel displays all the content items available in the right panel. When you select a node, the content on that node is displayed.

You can refine the All Content Items displayed in the right panel by selecting from the Showing drop-down:

  • All Items
  • Series
  • Season
  • Dynamic Group
  • Editorial Content

Managing nodes

This enables you to choose which root nodes are displayed by default. Select  Manage Nodes from the  menu next to the Sort by: field, and in the Manage Node Visibility window, select or clear the relevant fields and click out of the window to save the changes.

Sorting and re-ordering nodes

In the left-panel, the Sort by: field enables you to sort nodes by alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order. When you select the Display Order option,  handles next to the nodes to enable you to drag and drop them to different positions in the list. To reduce the chance of making unintentional changes, a confirmation message will be displayed if you reorder nodes within the same parent. If you try to move a node to a different node, a message will be displayed giving you the option to move or copy the node. See also  Moving and copying nodes.

You can disable re-ordering by selecting  Lock Nodes from the  menu next to the Sort by: field.

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