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List pages

When you select any of the following, a listing page is displayed:

The example below is for the User List, but the details are similar for all records.

On the left-hand side of the page, checkboxes let you multi-select records.

On the right-hand side of the page, the following options are usually available:

  • The ability to create a new record, in this case, a new user.

  • The Settings  icon lets you select and group page contents based on profiles.

  • When you run your mouse over a row in the list, the Menu  icon is  displayed. Clicking  the icon displays a drop-down menu where the options to view, edit, and delete are generally available.


Some list pages, such as the EPG, Content Catalogue and settings, have two panels. The left panel containing the channel groups is displayed by default; you can hide the left panel by clicking the  icon, and redisplay it by clicking  again.

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