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Retrieving channel lists


Lists of channels can be retrieved using the MDS Services API.

To retrieve a list of channels, send a GET request to:



  • Authorization: Bearer – bearer token

  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

  • provider - Narrows down queries to a single service provider to allow for API clarity and security.

Other arguments

All these arguments are query parameters:

  • filter - A list of key/value pairs, where key is the fieldname and value is the value the field should be.
  • sort - A list of pairs, where a pair is a list containing a field name and a sort order with 1 ascending, and -1 is descending.
  • fields - A list of fields names to return in the response.
  • offset - The number of records to skip for pagination.
  • limit - The number of records to return for pagination.
  • cache - Sets or unsets HTTP headers; TRUE allows CDN caching, FALSE prevents CDN caching.
  • pretty - TRUE returns human-readable formatted JSON, FALSE returns compact and efficient JSON.


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 401 status.


Retrieving all channels

All channels can be retrieved by not specifying a channel filter, for example:

https://<host>:<port>/metadata/delivery/<provider>/btv/services?filter={"locale":"en_gb"}&sort=[["Title",1]]&fields=["Title", "tvChannel"]&offset=0&limit=10

This will request the list of all channels with an "en_gb" locale, ordered by Title, with only the Title and tvChannel (channel number) field returned.

A locale must be specified to retrieve the data in that language; the system default will be used if no locale is specified.
Only the first ten channels will be returned due to the limit; the next ten can be specified by specifying offset=10&limit=10.

Retrieving subscribed channels

The broadcast subscription products applicable for the account is retrieved, the product identifiers are collated into an array and passed as a productRefs filter.


An example response would be:

 "services": [
   "editorial" : {
     "Title": "BBC One Wales HD",
     "tvChannel": "169"
     "id": "LJDLSADJASD21"
   "technical": {
   "id": "SIUOIDFJLS8237892374",
   "total_records": 30,
	"version" : 201301011500

See also

For full details of this API, see Metadata Server (MDS) API Documentation.

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