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Setting active status for catch-up, start-over and NPVR


A client app (ION or third-party) must determine whether long-term catch-up (LTCU), short-term catch-up (STCU), start-over (SO) and NPVR are enabled for a particular event in order to display the correct features in the interface, for example in the EPG and when showing a particular movie or episode.

You can set flags in the ingest file, in OpCon or through an API to enable or disable each of the four features. Technical, editorial and event flags are used to determine each feature state.

Default values

If any flags are undefined in the ingest/API payload, default values will be used to determine the feature state. There are flags available on LTCU, STCU, SO and NPVR to set the default event value.

Ingest event flagDefault event flagResult
<not defined / null>OFFOFF
<not defined / null>ONON

Flag combinations and feature state

ION (and any third-party apps) must check the flag on each level to determine the true feature state; it is not sufficient to check just the default flag or any other single flag.

Here are the flag combinations and the resulting feature states:

Editorial flagTechnical flagEvent flagResult

  • A feature is only enabled if all 3 flags are set to ON.
  • Flags that are set to ON in the ingest/API payload can be overridden by flags set in OpCon.
  • Event flags set in the ingest file can override editorial and technical flags set in OpCon.
  • Updated flag settings will only apply to NEW events brought into the system. Existing events will not be updated.

See also

API documentation  

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