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Use entitlements to enable/disable capabilities

OpenTV Video Platform supports capability products. These are things like the ability to record using NPVR or to use Netflix as a bundled service.

Some types of capability can be applied to VOD or live content in a granular way. For example, if the capability is start-over functionality, it can be enabled or disabled on a per-channel basis.

So for a capability that may or may not be enabled for content, the client app must check:

  1. Whether the capability is enabled for the content that the user wants to watch.
    See Check whether an entity supports a capability.
  2. Whether the capability is enabled at the account level (that is, whether the user has purchased the product that includes the capability).
    See Get the capability entitlements for the account.

For a capability that is not enabled on a per-content basis, the client only needs to Get the capability entitlements for the account.

For some capability types (for example, TVOD), the client does not need to Check whether an entity supports a capability. It can just check for entitlements for the content in question (which it probably does already).

The client then uses this information to decide whether to enable the relevant controls for the content in question. (For example, if start-over is disabled for a channel, it will hide the UI control that allows the user to initiate start-over for the channel.)

The client app is responsible for allowing or denying access to capability products based on the account's capability entitlements.

OpenTV Video Platform does not restrict access to such capabilities itself.

See also

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