500 - Internal Server Error
HTTP Response Code 500 - Internal Server Error
Module | API | Log Message | Reason |
BCM | GET /geoblocking/allowedcountryl/ {version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | GET /geoblocking/countrylist/ {version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | GET /parentalRatings/{version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | GET /geoblocking/blockvpn/{version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | GET /metadata/locales/{version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | PUT /geoblocking/allowedcountry/ {version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | PUT /geoblocking/blockvpn/{version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | PUT /geoblocking/countrylist/{version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | PUT /metadata/locales/{version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
BCM | PUT /parentalRatings/{version} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | DELETE /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/entitlements | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/entitlements | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/mail | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/message | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/chipsets/{chipsetNum}/pair | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/chipsets/{chipsetNum}/unpair | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/entitlements | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/pin | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/pin/{pinNum} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CAG | PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/recovery | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | DELETE /client/users/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Multiple reasons:
| |
CCP | DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas/playlists | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | DELETE /operator/users | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | DELETE /operator/users/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | GET /client/users/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | GET /operator/castCrewPersonas | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | GET /operator/castCrewPersonas/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | GET /operator/users | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | GET /operator/users/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | PUT /client/users/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | PUT /operator/castCrewPersonas | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | PUT /operator/castCrewPersonas/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CCP | PUT /operator/users | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons | |
CCP | PUT /operator/users/{id} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
CDS | DELETE /cds/v1/profiles | Profile is already mapped to -[dev03] | Operator tries to delete the profile without deleting the device details |
CDS | POST /cds/v1/profiles | MongoDB Connection timed out | mongo db service gets stopped while creating content discovery profile |
CDS | PUT /cds/v1/profiles | MongoDB Connection timed out | Operator updates existing content discovery profile when mongo service is not running and once the service is up try to update again |
DMM | GET /mib/v1/devices/{deviceType}/ {deviceId} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
DMM | GET /mib/v1/topics | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
DMM | GET /mib/v1/topics/{topicName}/ devices | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
DMM | PUT /mib/v1/topics/{topicName}/ devices | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
DMM | PUT /mib/v1/devices/{deviceType}/ {deviceId} | Internal error encountered when handling the request. Due to multiple reasons. | |
IHS | GET /ihs/v1/contents/<contentId> | MongoDB Connection timed out | Call GET api when mongodb is not running |
IHS | GET /ihs/v1/contents/<contentId> | temporary download issue | Call GET api for a set of image resource where invalid image uri is present in gracenote |
IHS | PUT /ihs/v1/persons/<personId> | temporary download issue | Call PUT api for a set of image resources with valid request payload by passing invalid uri |
ODM | POST /opendevice/{deviceId}/queue | Unhandled Error while processing the request. Due to multiple reasons. |