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Adding and removing items in groups

Adding items to groups

Use this to add channels and child groups to a group. For further details, see Adding items.

  1. On the Live Channels list page, select the required group.

  2. In the right-panel, click MANAGE CONTENT .

  3. Locate the items to be added to the group and click the relevant Add  icons. ​To add all the items to the group, click ADD ALL .

  4. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to save the changes.

Items are listed in the same order as they will be displayed in the UI. To change the order, drag and drop items up or down in the list; the order will be saved automatically.

To add multiple items using the multi-select method:

  1. On the Live Channels list page, in the left-panel, select View all items.

  2. In the right-panel, select the checkboxes for the items to be added.

  3. Drag and drop the items into the required group.
    A confirmation message will be displayed in the banner. 

Removing items from groups

Use this to remove channels and child groups from a group:

  1. Select the group containing the item you want to remove.

  2. Locate the relevant item and in the right panel, select  Remove from Group from the  menu.

  3. On the confirmation page, click the REMOVE button.

Use this to remove multiple items from a group. For further details, see Removing items.

  1. Select the group containing the items you want to remove.

  2. In the right-panel, click MANAGE CONTENT .
  3. Locate the items to be removed and click the relevant Remove  icons. ​To remove all the content items from the group, click REMOVE ALL .
  4. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to save the changes.

To remove multiple items using the multi-select method:

  1. Select the group containing the items you want to remove.

  2. In the right-panel, select the checkboxes for the items to be removed.
  3. In the banner, click REMOVE FROM GROUP.
  4. On the confirmation page, click the REMOVE button.
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