Content Import (CIM) components
There are two Content Importer (CIM) components:
CIM-NIS – general metadata ingest
CIM-GOC – Gracenote OnConnect metadata ingest
The following diagrams show what these two components do.
Block diagram of CIM-NIS
Block diagram of CIM-GOC
Ingest file lifecycle
CIM-NIS has the following configuration parameters that affect the import file lifecycle (see the diagram below):
– the file extension that is added to files while they are being processed (default:processing
– the file extension that is added to files that have been processed successfully (default:success
– the file extension that is added to files that failed to be processed (default:failed
– the file extension that is used for the file that is created to list the errors that occurred (default:error
CIM-NIS content create and update workflow
The XSLT transformation will transform the incoming customer-specific XML to the NAGRA CIM-NIS XML format. It can also make a decision on how the content should be processed. For example:
In customer XML below, Media→ TechnicalMetadata[@Definition] is used for content workflow mapping, for example:
If Definition is VOD-HD, then it will be processed via HD encoding and packaging.
If Definition is VOD-SD, then it will be processed via SD encoding and packaging.
Example XML
<Content action="override" duration="2678" id="CT0000015743" ownerId="XYZ" title="CT0000015743_Longest Day in Chang An Ep. 1">
<EpgElement key="ProviderId">XXXXX</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="Macrovision">true</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="EpisodeNumber">1</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="DubbedLanguages">Chinese</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="AudioMode">Nicam Stereo</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="ParentalRating">56</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="ImageURL">\\xxx.xx.x.x\xxxxxx\logo\LongestDayinChangAn.jpg</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="OTTVod">true</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="InternetVod">true</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="HDContent">true</EpgElement>
<EpgDescription locale="en_GB">
<EpgElement key="Actors">Lei Jia Yin; Jackson Yee</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="Genre">Drama Series</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="SubGenre">Drama</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="Description">Li Bi, the head of the Chang’an’s anti-terror department, and Zhang Xiao Jing, a detective-turned-prisoner, must work together to ensure the safety of the people by investigating a mysterious infiltration of the city within less than 24 hours left.</EpgElement>
<EpgElement key="DisplayTitle">Longest Day in Chang An</EpgElement>
<Media fileName="/DC0000025561.mpg" format="AV_ClearTS" frameDuration="66957" id="CT0000015743" title="CT0000015743_Longest Day in Chang An Ep. 1_Broadcast_Copy">
<TechnicalMetadata key="Bitrate">8165</TechnicalMetadata>
<TechnicalMetadata key="Checksum">0</TechnicalMetadata>
<TechnicalMetadata key="Definition">VOD-HD</TechnicalMetadata>
<TechnicalMetadata key="FileSize">2669733</TechnicalMetadata>
<TechnicalMetadata key="Status">Processed</TechnicalMetadata>
<TechnicalMetadata key="StatusText">no errors</TechnicalMetadata>
<Licence action="override" dealRef="MBU-2018-5243" id="LD0000015743" saleValidityEnd="2022-06-30T16:00:00Z" saleValidityStart="2019-06-30T16:00:00Z" />