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Creating channel lineups


To create one or more channel lineups, send a POST request to:


Creating a channel lineup does not add any channels to the lineup.

To add channels to a channel lineup, see Creating channel lineup links.


  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

The body must contain a channelLineUps object that contains one or more blocks, each of which represents a channel lineup and that must contain the following:

  • Either:
    • id – the ID of the channel lineup, or
    • Both providerId and providerResourceId
  • name – the name of the channel lineup
  • description – the description of the channel lineup

Other arguments



A POST request with this payload creates a single channel lineup:

   "channelLineUps": [{
      "description": "Sports channels",
      "providerId": "OPERATOR",
      "providerResourceId": "test03SHN",
      "name": "Sports"


A successful request returns an HTTP 201 status. The response body contains the URI of the new channel lineup.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

See also

For full details of this API, see Content and Product Manager (CPM) API documentation: content v1.

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