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Get all bookmarks for an account


To get all bookmarks for an account, send a GET request to:


This API supports:

  • Filtering by tag
  • Limiting the number of records returned and specifying paging
  • Sorting results chronologically by modification date (ascending or descending)
  • Sorting results by content ID


  • Authorization: Bearer – bearer token

  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

  • account – the account ID (in the path)
  • sort – the parameter on which to sort the bookmarks. Allowed values:
    • contentId (default)
    • modifiedDateAsc 
    • modifiedDateDesc 

Other arguments

  • pretty – specifies that the output should be pretty-printed (that is, in human-readable format) (query parameter)
  • fields – specifies which fields to return (query parameter). By default, all fields are returned.
  • limit – the number of records to return (query parameter)
  • offset – the number of records to skip (for pagination) (query parameter)
    For example:
    • ?limit=10 returns the first 10 bookmarks.
    • ?limit=10&offset=10 returns the second 10 bookmarks.
  • filter – specifies the tag to filter by (query parameter). You can only specify one tag here.


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unauthorised request returns an HTTP 401 status.


1.	{
2.	    "bookmarks": [
3.	        {
4.	            "account": "1",
5.	            "userId": "",
6.	            "deviceId": "333",
7.	            "contentId": "trainspotting",
8.	            "name": "n",
9.	            "contentType": "asset",
10.	            "position": 30,
11.	            "creationDate": "2021-01-22T08:52:51Z",
12.	            "modifiedDate": "2021-01-22T08:52:51Z",
13.	            "metadata": {},
14.	            "tags": []
15.	        },
16.	        {
17.	            "account": "1",
18.	            "userId": "",
19.	            "contentId": "trainspottingg",
20.	            "contentType": "asset",
21.	            "position": 30,
22.	            "creationDate": "2021-01-22T08:47:41Z",
23.	            "modifiedDate": "2021-01-22T08:47:41Z",
24.	            "metadata": {},
25.	            "tags": []
26.	        }
27.	    ],
28.	    "totalRecords": 2
29.	}

See also

For full details of this API, see the User Activity Vault (UAV) API documentation.

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