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Get approved and non-approved devices


To get the list of approved and non-approved devices for the account, send a GET request to:



  • x-correlation-id – identifier for logging, to correlate messages across a call flow.
  • nv-tenant-id – the tenant ID.
  • token – request authentication token.

Mandatory arguments


Other arguments

This endpoint supports paging and allows you to specify the fields you want to include in the response (by using fields in the query string):

The relevant fields are as follows:

  • approved – whether the device is on the approved list (true) or not (false).
  • lastApproved – the date/time when the device was last added to the approved list
  • lastUnapproved – the date/time when the device was last removed from the approved list


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unauthorised request returns an HTTP 401 status.

A forbidden request returns an HTTP 403 status.


A successful request with a query string ?fields=["approved", "lastApproved", "lastUnapproved"] returns a response that looks like this:

  "totalRecords": 1,
  "resourceSet": [
       "approved": true,
       "lastApproved": "2022-07-21T15:07:33.367Z",
       "lastUnapproved": "2022-07-20T11:22:01.211Z"

See also

For full details of this API, see the Account and Device Manager (ADM) API documentation.

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