Getting all devices
To get a list of all devices that are registered with DMM, send a GET request to:
Content-Type: application/json
Optional parameters
– the number of records to returnpage
– the page number to return (cannot be used withoutlimit
For example:?limit=10
returns the first 10 records.?limit=10&page=2
returns the second 10 records.
– the number of records to skipfilter
– filters the output. A filter consists of one or more key/value pairs.
For example,?filter={"active":true}
?filter={"active":true, "deviceOS":"ANDROID7_TABLET"}
– sorts the output. The sort expression consists of one or more key/value pairs, where the key is the name of the field to sort on, and the value is the order: 1 for ascending, -1 for descending.
For example:?sort="userId,1"
– the fields to include in the output.
For example:?fields="topicName,description"
A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.
An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 404 status.
A successful request generates a response that looks like this:
"totalRecords": 2,
"devices": [
"deviceId": "5c402613ae0b890001b486e5",
"active": true,
"deviceOS": "ANDROID7_TABLET",
"userId": "EUT24",
"queueRegistrations": [
"enabled": true,
"queueApplicationName": "RMQ",
"queueRegistrationId": "5c402613ae0b890001b486e5"
"topics": [
"deviceId": "5c6506c564656900017963c6",
"active": true,
"deviceOS": "ANDROID7_TABLET",
"userId": "EUT24",
"queueRegistrations": [
"enabled": true,
"lastRegistrationDate": "2019-04-30T11:07:52.935Z",
"queueApplicationName": "RMQ",
"queueRegistrationId": "5c10ab8154f4a900018a54f1-EUT24-5c6506c564656900017963c6"
"topics": [
See also
For full details of this API, see the DMM API documentation.