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Getting all topics


To get all the available topics, send a GET request to:



  • Content-Type: application/json

Optional parameters

  • limit – the number of records to return
  • page – the page number to return (cannot be used without limit)
    For example:
    • ?limit=10 returns the first 10 records.
    • ?limit=10&page=2 returns the second 10 records.
  • offset – the number of records to skip
  • filter – filters the output. A filter consists of one or more key/value pairs.
    For example,
    • ?filter={"active":true}
    • ?filter={"active":true, "managedBy":"SNS"}
  • sort – sorts the output. The sort expression consists of one or more key/value pairs, where the key is the name of the field to sort on, and the value is the order: 1 for ascending, -1 for descending.
    For example:
    • ?sort="topicName,1"
    • ?sort="managedBy,1,topicName,-1"
  • fields – the fields to include in the output.
    For example:
    • ?fields="topicName,description"


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 404 status.

A successful request generates a response that looks like this:

    "totalRecords": 2,
    "topics": [
            "topicName": "GlobalTopicForAllDevices",
            "description": "GlobalTopicForAllDevices",
            "topicARN": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:938499756352:GlobalTopicForAllDevices",
            "active": true,
            "managedBy": "SNS",
            "devices": [
                    "deviceId": "5ca5e0ced2f2ff000118e9db",
                    "deviceOS": "ANDROID7_TABLET",
                    "subscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:938499756352:GlobalTopicForAllDevices:43b0ea43-7e9f-437a-a3a5-2aeffdef0f22",
                    "subscriptionStatus": true
                    "deviceId": "5ca6dd9fc126020001b5ae74",
                    "deviceOS": "ANDROID7_TABLET",
                    "subscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:938499756352:GlobalTopicForAllDevices:cb5e1f43-a7ef-4a98-9069-1024c5b7ada0",
                    "subscriptionStatus": true
            "topicName": "OSNOTIFICATION",
            "description": "IP Message Topic Testing",
            "topicARN": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:938499756352:OSNOTIFICATION",
            "active": true,
            "managedBy": "FCM",
            "modifiedDate": "string",
            "modifiedBy": "string",
            "devices": [
                    "deviceId": "5cd1195804d13100017bb350",
                    "deviceOS": "string",
                    "subscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:938499756352:OSNOTIFICATION:50631279-3e41-4621-bdc7-b9b4f394a229",
                    "subscriptionStatus": true
                    "deviceId": "5ccffe05d0ea340001c48d90",
                    "deviceOS": "string",
                    "subscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:938499756352:OSNOTIFICATION:b00aa62d-c2b7-45c0-9cf4-d06e423ad760",
                    "subscriptionStatus": true

See also

For full details of this API, see the DMM API documentation.

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