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Getting content auth token from IAS


To get the content authorisation token that you need to request a licence to play back a content, send a POST request to:



  • authorization – bearer token that the client received at signon

  • nv-tenant-id – the tenant ID

Mandatory arguments

  • content_id – the ID of the content (in query)
  • type – must be device (in query)

Other arguments



A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unauthorised request returns an HTTP 401 status.

A forbidden request returns an HTTP 403 status.

If the specified content does not exist, the request returns an HTTP 404 status.


  "content_token": {
    "typ": "string",
    "ver": "string",
    "exp": 0,
    "jti": "string",
    "device": {
      "drm": "ssp",
      "deviceUniqueId": "deviceId7",
      "watermarking": false,
      "ipAddress": "",
      "model": "android",
      "accountId": "account7"
    "contentRights": [
        "contentId": "content7",
        "start": "2022-10-26T15:31:40.757Z",
        "end": "2022-10-26T15:31:40.757Z",
        "duration": 86400,
        "storable": false,
        "drt": "hdr",
        "usageRulesProfileId": "HD",
        "sessionControl": {
          "groups": [
              "groupId": "Group_RTL",
              "maxSessions": 5
          "groupId": "null",
          "sessionControlEnabled": true,
          "maxSessions": 5
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3887999,
  "access_token": {
    "typ": "DevAuthN",
    "ver": "1.0",
    "exp": 154826071,
    "fixed_exp": 1550679912,
    "tenantId": "nagra",
    "accountId": "account7",
    "userId": "user7",
    "deviceId": "device7",
    "playoutDeviceClass": "playoutDeviceClass01",
    "jti": "4789023423714089478",
    "geoBlockExempt": false,
    "sessionControl": {
      "groups": [
          "groupId": "Group_RTL",
          "maxSessions": 5
      "groupId": "null",
      "sessionControlEnabled": true,
      "maxSessions": 5
    "parentalControl": {
      "ratingThreshold": {
        "FSK": "fsk12",
        "TVPG": "TV-MA"
    "accountProfileId": "accountProfile7",
    "deviceInformation": {
      "device": {
        "hardware": {
          "model": "Iphone"
        "OS": {
          "type": "IOS"
    "onNetwork": false,
    "filteringInformation": {
      "country": "united kingdom",
      "country-code": "GB",
      "numeric-country-code": "826",
      "region-full-name": "essex",
      "metro-name": "ITV Anglia",
      "metro-code": "826043",
      "city-name": "colchester",
      "postal-code": "co1 1aa",
      "billing-country-code": "GB",
      "filter-string": "Li150"
    "blockingInformation": {
      "country": "united kingdom",
      "country-code": "GB",
      "numeric-country-code": "826",
      "region-full-name": "essex",
      "metro-name": "ITV Anglia",
      "metro-code": "826043",
      "city-name": "colchester",
      "postal-code": "co1 1aa",
      "billing-country-code": "GB",
      "filter-string": "Li150"
    "watermarking": false
  "refresh_token": {
    "typ": "RefreshAuthN",
    "ver": "1.0",
    "exp": 154826071,
    "fixed_exp": 1550679912,
    "tenantId": "nagra",
    "accountId": "account7",
    "accountProfileId": "accountProfile7",
    "userId": "user7",
    "deviceId": "device7",
    "playoutDeviceClass": "playoutDeviceClass01",
    "jti": "4789023423714089478",
    "sessionControl": {
      "groups": [
          "groupId": "Group_RTL",
          "maxSessions": 5
      "groupId": "null",
      "sessionControlEnabled": true,
      "maxSessions": 5

See also

For full details of this API, see the IAS API documentation.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.