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Media Card - Recording

Retrieving Media Card information for a recording.


To retrieve the Media Card information for a recording, send a GET request to:



  • Cache-Control – Caching rules for clients and web proxies
  • Content-Encoding - The compression level of the response

Mandatory arguments

  • id - The identifier of the content the mediacard concerns.

Other arguments

All these arguments are query parameters:

  • fields - A list of field names to return in the response.
  • deviceType - The type of the device making the query (e.g. Android) to filter out irrelevant results.
  • Accept-Language - The language (locale) of the response data.


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 401 status.

The recommendations portion of the response is driven by a related recommendation based on the content; certain parts of the response are turned on or off through backend configuration.


Click here to see an example.

  "recordingId": "77f44f7a-7b91-4436-9c5a-aa86a2c08ffe",
  "type": "recording",
  "Title": "Russia Today Programming",
  "Description": "Programming to be announced.",
  "Categories": [
  "Ratings": [],
  "eventId": "GLOBAL_98986_20220606050000",
  "contentId": "GLOBAL_98986_20220606050000",
  "products": [
  "playback": {
    "ATV": {
      "drmId": null,
      "technicalId": "1648470934217",
      "uri": ""
    "Chrome": {
      "drmId": null,
      "technicalId": "1648470934217",
      "uri": ""
    "IOS": {
      "drmId": null,
      "technicalId": "1648471101715",
      "uri": ""
    "Android": {
      "drmId": null,
      "technicalId": "1648470934217",
      "uri": ""

See also

For full details of this API, see Content Discovery Facade API documentation.

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