Notifications and errors
The Disney+ Adapter sends email notifications for the start and end of ingestion. When the ingestion ends, any issues that occurred during the ingestion (such as failure to transform or to post the Disney+ metadata to OPF) are sent in the email message. Any errors are also logged in OPF.
The following are example error and notification messages.
Email notification format when ingestion starts
Subject : [CIM-DPlus]-[CIM DPlus Ingestion] START Notification
Body :
'CIM DPlus Ingestion' has started for module 'CIM-DPlus' at '2021-06-07T11:26:00Z' with activityId 'eb16b1b9-9f80-4fb7-b86e-ee4113b0ba18'.
ingestion_type: full
Note: This is an auto-generated mail. Please do not reply.
In the above format:
– the time stamp when ingestion startedeb16b1b9-9f80-4fb7-b86e-ee4113b0ba18
– unique ID for each ingestion cycle (from start to complete or start to error) to differentiate it from other ingestion cyclesingestion_type
– full/incremental/manual based on the type of ingestion that was triggered
Email notification format when ingestion ends with no errors
Subject : [CIM-DPlus]-[CIM DPlus Ingestion] COMPLETE Notification
Body :
'CIM DPlus Ingestion' has completed for module 'CIM-DPlus' at '2021-06-07T12:02:06Z' with activityId 'eb16b1b9-9f80-4fb7-b86e-ee4113b0ba18'.
ingestion_type: full
total_imported_time: 1.4121949672698975
total_imported_count: 24750
total_transform_time: 111.81040226202094
total_transform_count: 24750
total_ingestion_time: 1856.053249237002
total_ingestion_count: 69172
overall_issue_count: 0
ingestion_cycle_count: 1
total_ingestion_duration: 1880.6832395690017
Note: This is an auto-generated mail. Please do not reply.
In the above format :
– the time stamp when ingestion endedeb16b1b9-9f80-4fb7-b86e-ee4113b0ba18
– unique ID for each ingestion cycle (from start to complete or start to error) to differentiate it from other ingestion cyclesingestion_type
– full/incremental/manual based on the type of ingestion type that was triggeredtotal_imported_time
– the total time it took the adapter to query all the third party metadata from the servertotal_imported_count
– the total count of third party metadata imported to the adaptertotal_transform_time
– the total time taken to convert third-party metadata to the OPF metadata formattotal_transform_count
– the total count of metadata successfully transformed to the OPF metadata formattotal_ingestion_time
– the total time taken to update all the OPF metadata in the OPF server, including content groups, editorial contents, technical contents, content publishing windows, and deep linkstotal_ingestion_count
– the total count of metadata ingested successfully into OPF server, including content groups, editorial contents,nodelinks, and deep linksFor one valid D+ item, total ingested count is:
- Movies = four ingested request count (one EC + one nodelinks which links the EC and Node + two deeplinks (one deeplink for details + one deeplinks for playmedia)).
- Short-form = four ingested request count (one EC + one nodelinks which links the EC and Node + two deeplinks (one deeplink for details + one deeplinks for playmedia)).
- Series = three ingested request count (one CG + one nodelinks which links the CG and Node + one deeplinks (for the details )).
- Season = one ingested request count (one CG).
- Episode = four ingested request count (one EC + one nodelinks which links the EC and Node + two deeplinks (one deeplink for details + one deeplinks for playmedia)).
Suppose 100 valid movie/short-form/episode items are ingested then the total ingested item count would be 400 respectively.
Similarly for 100 Series total ingested count would be 300 and for 100 season it would be 100.overall_issue_count
– the total count with issues (includes imported, transformed, and ingested data) if COMPLETE notification is set to 0ingestion_cycle_count
– ingestion cycle counttotal_ingestion_duration
– the total duration from start to end of ingestion
Email notification format when ingestion ends with error(s)
Subject : [CIM-DPlus]-[CIM DPlus Ingestion] ERROR Notification
Body :
'CIM DPlus Ingestion' has completed for module 'CIM-DPlus' at '2021-06-07T12:02:06Z' with activityId 'eb16b1b9-9f80-4fb7-b86e-ee4113b0ba18'.
ingestion_type: full
total_imported_time: 1.4121949672698975
total_imported_count: 24750
total_transform_time: 111.81040226202094
total_transform_count: 24750
total_ingestion_time: 1856.053249237002
total_ingestion_count: 69172
overall_issue_count: 3309
ingestion_cycle_count: 1
total_ingestion_duration: 1880.6832395690017
Note: This is an auto-generated mail. Please do not reply.
In the above format, the email body is the same as in the COMPLETE notification, except that here, overall_issue_count
will be greater than zero.
The number of email notifications received when ingestion ended with error(s) is based on the batch count configured in the adapter configuration settings.
For example, if rabbitmq_message_max_res_count_to_post
is set to 100 and overall_issue_count
is 550, the total number of email notifications would be six.