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Purge content


The purge workflow allows you to purge assets that are no longer required. This happens when:

  • An asset is no longer valid (that is, its validity period has ended).
  • All required playable assets have been created for a particular pivot asset. In this case, the pivot asset is no longer required.

This workflow depends on the Command File Ingester (CFI) module being installed. This is typically installed where it has access to the assets that will need to be purged. (To enable the VOD asset transfer workflow, it is installed on the file server containing the original assets.)

Main steps

Specify a processing device

To specify the processing device:

  1. Construct the request payload so that it looks like this:

        "id": "deviceId1",
        "originalDeviceId": "deviceId1",
        "name": "CFI",
        "workflow": {
            "pendingJobs": 0,
            "maxJobsAllowed": 10,
            "accessPoints": [
                "endPoint": "http://host:port/cfi",
                "type": "Http"

    The full list of fields is available in Device attributes.

  2. Send a POST request to the BCM's devices API with the above payload:


Create and submit a purge profile

To configure a purge profile:

  1. Construct a profile that looks like this example:

        "id": "purge_vod",
        "name": "Profile for Generic Purge workflow",
        "type": "ContentPreparation",
        "businessRulesProperties": {
            "sourceAssetType": "Pivot",
            "sourceAssetDeviceLinkType": "source",
            "basedOnEndDate": true,
            "dueDateOffset": 0
        "workflow": {
            "deviceUsedForResourceAllocation": "processingDevice",
            "processingDevice": {
                "accessPointType": "Http",
                "id": "deviceId1"
            "workflowVersion": "VODPurgeUsingCFI",
            "workflowInputProperties": {
                "sourceUri": "",
                "processingUri": "",
                "retryDelay": 15,
                "numberOfRetries": 3,
                "numberOfRetriesForRescheduling": 3,
                "rescheduleDelay": 3600
            "workflowOutPutProperties": {
                "fullDestinationUri": "",

    The full list of fields is available in Profile attributes.

  2. Submit the profile to BCM by sending a POST request to the BCM's profiles API with the profile as the request payload:

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