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Re-ordering content items on nodes

Content on a node is ordered by creation date by default. You can manually change the order of the items displayed in the main panel, enabling you to organise content items here before adding them to subscriptions or rails.

Displaying the Content in Node panel

Click MANAGE CONTENT to display the Content in Node panel.

The Content in Node panel has three lists:

  • Newly Added
    As its name suggests, any new content added to the node will be displayed here. When you save any changes, items in the Newly Added list are moved into the Ordered by Creation Date list, as that is the default order.
  • Manually Ordered
    These items will appear at the start of the node in the set order, followed by everything else automatically ordered by the creation date. An order number will be added to the name of the content item. 
  • Ordered by Creation Date
    This is the default order for content items.

Display or hide the content item in each list using the and chevrons respectively. 

To display all three lists simultaneously on a whole page, click the Content in Node icon. To return to the previous view, click again.

Content item tiles

Items of content are displayed as tiles in the Content in Node panel. Each tile has links to display content information and node link details.

Using the handles, you can:

  • Drag the content items between the Manually Ordered and Ordered by Creation Date lists.
  • Drag content items from the Newly Added list into the Manually Ordered and Ordered by Creation Date lists. However, you cannot move content back into the Newly Added list.
  • Change the order of the content items in the Manually Ordered list.

    Although you can drag and drop items within the Ordered by Creation Date list, it will return to the default order when you save changes.

In addition to dragging and dropping, checkboxes are provided to reorder and move content between the lists. When you select a checkbox, the following options will be provided in the banner:

  • Move to Ordered By
  • Move to Manually Ordered
  • Insert at Position
  • Remove

You can reduce the height of the tiles to display more of them on the page by clicking the icon. To restore the height, click .

Adding content items

In the main panel, you can search for content as usual. To add individual content items to the node, click the relevant Add icons in the left panel. To add all the items on the page, click ADD PAGE. The content items will appear in the Newly Added list; from there, you can move them into the Manually Ordered and Ordered by Creation Date lists.

Moving and ordering content items

In either view, to move content items between lists:

  1. To move individual items, select the checkboxes of the content items.
    Alternatively, select the checkbox in the relevant header to move all the items in a list.
  2. In the banner, select MOVE TO ORDERED BY or MOVE TO MANUALLY ORDERED as appropriate.
  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button on completion.

To order content items in the Manually Ordered list:

  1. To order individual items, select the checkboxes of the content items.
    Alternatively, select the checkbox in the relevant header to order all the items.
  2. In the banner, click INSERT AT POSITION. A drop-down will be displayed; enter the required position (in the Manually Ordered list) and click INSERT.
  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button on completion.

You can enter Node Link view and add specific node links if required. Node links in a content item tile can be removed by clicking the Remove icon in the drop-down.

Removing content items

In either view, to remove content items from the node:

  1. To remove individual items, select the checkboxes of the content items.
    Alternatively, select the checkbox in the relevant header to remove all the items.
  2. In the banner, click REMOVE.
  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button on completion.

You can also remove items by clicking the Remove icon in the content item tile.

To remove all the content items in the lists, click REMOVE ALL .

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