Recommendations Façade - Generic
Generic API
The Recommendations Façade attempts to provide a generic API that can provide uniform access to a variety of recommendation engines. The generic nature obviously means that functionality is restricted to what can be thought of as the core operations of a recommendation engine, therefore the more specialised functionality of the various operators cannot be catered for.
The full Open API spec can be viewed here: Recommendations Facade Open API Spec.
For details of how the generic API is implemented in a specific adapter, please see the relevant documentation. Currently support is provided for Xroad Media NCanto.
GET /recommendations/operator/v1/recommendationtypes
This API allows operators access to the types of recommendation that are supported by the recommendation engine that is in use.
It is a simple GET and the API is only exposed at the operator level, thus no user token is expected.
The response is a list of the recommendation types available.
Example recommendation types response
"recommendationTypes": [
Response status
HTTP Status | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
4xx | Client error e.g. bad request, unauthorized access etc |
5xx | Server error |
POST /recommendations/v1/recommendations
This API allows clients to request recommendations based on the criteria that is supplied in the payload. As it is client accessible it requires a valid sign-on token, from which the users account will be established.
The body of the POST is a JSON object as follows:
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
recommendationRequests | Array of RecommendationTypeRequest | Yes | An array where each entry is a request for a certain type of recommendation. Each entry can be specified in isolation to the others and no cross validation will be performed. |
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
recommendationType | String | Yes | The type of recommendation that is to be invoked. This value must be one of those returned from the recommendation types API. |
numOfRecommendationsPerRow | int | Yes | The number of results to be returned on each row. Depending on the recommendation engine in use and the type of recommendation requested, the response may contain less results than requested or even none. This is beyond the control of Recommendations Facade. |
maxNumOfRows | int | No | If the recommendation engine returns multiple rows for this recommendation type, then the number of rows will not exceed this value. Defaults to 1 |
basedOnSeeds | Array of BasedOnSeed | No | This allows the client to specify additional filtering to be applied to the recommendations e.g. ACTOR="Al Pacino" Multiple entries can be specified for the same seed type e.g. ACTOR="Al Pacino", ACTOR="Robert DeNiro". How this is interpreted is controlled by the recommendation engine in use and so the documentation for that particular adapter should be consulted. As a general rule, multiple seeds will be applied as a logical AND, so specifying 2 actors would only return films that starred both those actors. |
basedOnContent | Array of ContentItem | No | This allows the client to specify a piece of content that recommendations should be based on, e.g. content related to "Star Wars" It should be noted that this type of filtering is not always relevant and may require that a particular type of recommendation is invoked to take effect, this is of course dependent on the recommendation engine in use. Also, some recommendation engines will only support a single content item and so will simply take the first in the list and ignore the others. |
language | String A valid language code e.g. en_gb | Yes | Allows the client to specify a preference for a particular language where appropriate. Whether this has any effect is dependent on the recommendation engine in use. |
maxAgeRating | int | No | Allows the client to specify a maximum age rating for any recommendations made. Whether this has any effect is dependent on the recommendation engine in use. |
deviceTypes | Array of String | Yes | The type of devices that the recommended content must be suitable for playback on. Some recommendation engines will only support specifying a single device type and so will simply take the first in the list and ignore the others. |
metadata | JSON Object | No | This property allows for any additional engine specific data to be submitted. The configured adapter will process it accordingly. |
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
seedType | String One of:
| Yes | The type of seed being specified |
seedvalue | String | Yes | The value of the seed. |
Property | Type | Mandatory* | Description |
contentType | String One of:
| Yes | The type of the content. Note, that not all recommendation engines will support all types of content, so the documentation for the particular adapter should be consulted. |
vodTechnicalId | String | No | If the contentType is VOD then this will contain the id of its technical. |
btvProgramId | String | No | If the contentType is BTV then this will contain the id of its program. |
deeplinkId | String | No | If the contentType is DEEPLINK then this will be the id of the MDS deeplink entity |
deeplinkType | String One of: VOD BTV SERIES SEASON | No | If the contentType is DEEPLINK then this will indicate the content type of the links parent entity. The consuming client will use this to identify which MDS API the editorialId relates to in order to retrieve the entity and associated link details. |
editorialId | String | No | The id of the editorial of the content. VOD = BTV = programme.contentRef |
seriesId | String | No | If applicable the id of the series. |
seasonId | String | No | If applicable the id of the season. |
Enforcement of required ID's will be down to the configured adapter to enforce.
Property | Type | Mandatory* | Description |
recommendations | Array of RecommendationTypeResponse | Yes | A JSON array containing the results for each requested recommendation type |
Property | Type | Mandatory* | Description |
recommendationType | String | Yes | The recommendation type that resulted in these recommendations |
recommendationRows | Array of RecommendationRow | No | An array with an entry per row of recommendations. The array may be empty if the request resulted in no recommendations from the configured engine or an error occurred. |
error | String | No | Details of any error that occurred for the request for this particular recommendation type. If all recommendation types result in an error then the response will be a suitable HTTP error code, but if at least one recommendation type is a success then its results will be returned and any erroneous recommendation types will provide details of the error they encountered. |
Property | Type | Mandatory* | Description |
rowTitle | String | No | If the recommendation engine provides a title then it will appear here, may otherwise be set using the recommendation type or another value depending on the adapters implementation. |
recommendations | Array of ContentItem | No | The recommended content. The array may be empty if the request resulted in no recommendations from the configured engine or an error occurred. |
Example request
Body of request for 2 recommendation types - the second of which should produce an error as it is for an unsupported recommendation type.
Example recommendation request
"recommendationRequests": [
"recommendationType": "latest-movies",
"basedOnContent": [
"contentType": "VOD",
"vodTechnicalId": "tech-1",
"editorialId": "editorial-1",
"seasonId": "season-2",
"seriesId": "series-3"
"basedOnSeeds": [
"seedType": "ACTOR",
"seedValue": "Steve Buscemi"
"seedType": "CATEGORY",
"seedValue": "Classic Movies"
"seedType": "GENRE",
"seedValue": "Comedy"
"seedType": "SUBGENRE",
"seedValue": "Independent"
"seedType": "DIRECTOR",
"seedValue": "Coen Brothers"
"maxRatingAge": 15,
"language": "en_GB",
"deviceTypes": [
"numOfRecommendations": 3,
"maxNumOfRows": 1,
"metadata": {
"engineSpecificProperty": "someValue"
"recommendationType": "unknown-reco-type",
"deviceTypes": [
"numOfRecommendations": 3,
"language": "en_GB"
Example response
Body of response for two recommendation types - the first is successful but the second of has produce an error as it is for an unsupported recommendation type.
Example recommendation response
"recommendations": [
"recommendationType": "latest-movies",
"recommendationRows": [
"rowTitle": "latest-movies",
"content": [
"contentType": "BTV",
"btvProgrammeId": "btvAsset1",
"vodTechnicalId": null,
"editorialId": "latest-movies-prog-1",
"seriesId": "btvSeries1",
"seasonId": null
"contentType": "VOD",
"vodTechnicalId": "vodAsset",
"btvProgrammeId": null,
"editorialId": "latest-movies-prog-2",
"seriesId": "vodSeries",
"seasonId": null
"contentType": "BTV",
"btvProgrammeId": "btvAsset2",
"vodTechnicalId": null,
"editorialId": "latest-movies-prog-3",
"seriesId": "btvSeries2",
"seasonId": null
"error": null
"recommendationType": "unknown-reco-type",
"error": "Recommendation Type unknown-reco-type not recognised"
Response status
HTTP Status | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
4xx | Client error e.g. bad request, unauthorized access etc |
5xx | Server error |
POST /recommendations/v1/useractivity
This API allows clients to submit their activity related to a piece of content, thus allowing the recommendation engine to learn their preferences and make more appropriate recommendations.
Prioir to release 21.38, clients were required to report activity and metrics separately to both Recommendation Façade and to User Activity Vault (UAV). (The latter is required for reporting purposes.)
Since release 21.38, clients only need to report activity and metrics to UAV – they will be passed on to Recommendation Façade automatically without the client having to report them separately.
That means that the client no longer needs to make the request described below.
The body of the POST is a JSON object as follows:
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
activityType | String | Yes | The type of activity that is being reported. |
content |
See ContentItem | Yes | The content that is subject to the activity. The configured adapter will enforce validation on the type(s) of ID that are required. |
deviceType | String | Yes | The type of device the activity took place on. |
Example request
Example user activity request
"activityType": "PLAY",
"deviceType": "Android",
"content": {
"contentType": "BTV",
"btvProgrammeId": "btv123",
"editorialId": "editorial21",
"seriesId": "ser_99",
"seasonId": "ser_99_season_2"
Response status
HTTP Status | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
4xx | Client error e.g. bad request, unauthorized access etc |
5xx | Server error |