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Retrieving PPV-enabled channels


To retrieve all channels for which PPV is enabled, send a GET request to:

https://server:port/metadata/delivery/[provider]/btv/services?filter={"locale":"en_GB", "editorial.ppvEnabled": true} 

This will retrieve only those channels that have PPV enabled. You can change the editorial.ppvEnabled flag in the query to get only those channels that don't support PPV or omit the filter completely to get all channel. This would allow you to read the property from the response to show a mixture of both types on a single screen.


  • Authorization: Bearer – bearer token

  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

  • locale
  • editorial.ppvEnabled


The following GET request gets all channels for which PPV is enabled:

https://server:port/metadata/delivery/[provider]/btv/services?filter={"locale":"en_GB", "editorial.ppvEnabled": true}


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 401 status.

See also

For full details of this API, see the MDS API documentation.

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