Retrieving PPV events for a specific product
Each PPV event is tied to a product that must be purchased to allow the user to view the content. Before purchasing a product, it is important to understand the full list of events that will be available to you once you own it.
To find this out, a client can query by the product ID, by sending a GET request to:
//server:port/metadata/delivery/[provider]/btv/programmes?filter={"locale":"en_GB", "productRefs": "sports_ppv"}
Authorization: Bearer
– bearer tokenContent-Type: application/json
Mandatory arguments
The following GET request gets the PPV events associated with the specified product:
https://server:port/metadata/delivery/[provider]/btv/programmes?filter={"locale":"en_GB", "productRefs": "sports_ppv"}
A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.
A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.
An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 401 status.
See also
For full details of this API, see the MDS API documentation.