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Retrieving series and season information

You can use series and season information to group episodes for display purposes and PVR series linking. Series and season details are only available if the content metadata is available. For example, a series such as Game of Thrones may have many seasons (Game of Thrones Season 1, 2, 3, etc).


To retrieve series and season information for a content item, send a GET request to:


To retrieve episode information linked to series or season, send a GET request to:



  • Authorization: Bearer – bearer token
  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory arguments

  • provider - Narrows down queries to a single service provider to allow for API clarity and security.

Other arguments

All these arguments are query parameters:

  • filter - A list of key/value pairs, where key is the fieldname and value is the value the field should be.
  • sort - A list of pairs, where a pair is a list containing a field name and a sort order with 1 ascending and -1 is descending.
  • fields - A list of fields names to return in the response.
  • offset - The number of records to skip for pagination.
  • limit - The number of records to return for pagination.
  • cache - Sets or unsets HTTP headers; TRUE allows CDN caching, FALSE prevents CDN caching.
  • pretty - TRUE returns human-readable formatted JSON, FALSE returns compact and efficient JSON.


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 401 status.


  • Retrieving series information for a content item
    You can retrieve the series information by using the MDS BTV Series API. Pass in the seriesRef value as the id into the Series API.

    https://<host>:<port>/metadata/delivery/<provider>/btv/series?filter={"id":"00000000063628", "locale":"en_GB"}&fields=["title","description"]
  • Retrieving season information for a content item
    Likewise, you can retrieve the season information by using the MDS BTV Series API. Pass in the seasonRef value as the id into the Series API.

    https://<host>:<port>/metadata/delivery/<provider>/btv/series?filter={"id":"got1", "locale":"en_GB"}&fields=["title","description"]
  • Retrieving all episodes linked to a series

    https://<host>:<port>/metadata/delivery/<provider>/btv/programmes?filter={"seriesRef":"got", "locale":"en_GB"}&fields=["title","description"]
  • Retrieving all episodes linked to a season

    http://<host>:<port>/metadata/delivery/<provider>/btv/programmes?filter={"seasonRef":"got3", "locale":"en_GB"}&fields=["title","description"]
  • Retrieving a single episode linked to a season


See also

For full details of this API, see Metadata Server (MDS) API Documentation.

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