Sending a message to all devices subscribed to a topic
To send a notification to all the devices that are subscribed to a particular topic, send a POST request to:
Content-Type: application/json
Mandatory fields
(in URL) – the name of the topicenvelope
object containing at least:from
– who the notification is from
– the message – base64-encoded opaque data or UTF-8-encoded data with no CR/LFs
Note that this is client-specific. For ION clients, the message must be in this format (but with CR/LFs removed):CODE{ "data" : "{ "title":"Titles promotions message", "message":"Content promotions messages" }" "notification" : "{ "title":"Titles promotions message", "message":"Content promotions messages" }" }
The contents ofdata
must be the same.
A request with this payload sends a message to all the devices that are subscribed to the topic specified in the URL:
"envelope": {
"event": "subscription-changed",
"id": "e7ebbd43-62d3-4962-b71d-0e9f98555d9b",
"app_id": 1234,
"from": "account-management-service",
"expiration": 60000
"message": "eyAiZnJvbSIgOiAicmVtb3RlcHZyIiwgInRvIiA6ICIxMjM0NTYiLCAidGltZXN0YW1wIiA6ICIxNDgzNzY4OTg3IiwgInByaW9yaXR5IiA6ICIxMCIsICJyZXBseS10byIgOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hZGRyZXNzLnRvLnJlcGx5IG9yIG5vZGVAbWFjaGluZTpxdWV1ZSIsICJkYXRhIiA6ICJwcml2YXRlIGRhdGEgdXNlZCBieSB0aGUgZGV2aWNlIHJlbW90ZSBib29raW5nIGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uIn0="
The request returns an HTTP 200 status if the message was sent successfully.
An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 404 status if the topic is not recognised.
See also
For full details of this API, see the DMM API documentation.